Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why It All Works, Pretty Much

I don't think I can stress enough that what I talk about is what works for MY family at THIS time in our life.  I hope that anything you read here can help you in some way, but even if you just came here to gawk at the mom who still believes in old fashioned parenting, or whatever you want to call it, know that I think you are doing a great job, whatever you are doing, and I am not judging you.

Amongst my friends and family are proof that whatever you do works, as long as you love your kids, and are consistent. With those two keys in place, your kids are overwhelmingly likely to turn out just fine.

I know one family in which cleanliness takes a backseat to fun.  Not just sometimes, but all the times.  Where I would let the girls build a fort out of the living room cushions and then ask that they put them back before moving on to something else, this mom would not even notice the cushions out until she tried to sit on the couch.  Dinner?  Whatever she can slap together in five minutes.  Her sweet as can be kids worship her, and respect her fully because she is still the boss when it comes to something that matters to her, like homework.

I know another family in which a pillow fort would never in a million years be permitted, and even in the basement playroom, only one toy is allowed out at a time.  Their house is spotless, rules are legion, and there is a gourmet meal on the table every night.  Playing outside?  Not so much, but Mom spends hours every day reading to her kids while snuggling them close.  Another fully functional, happy family.

My family works too.  I like to think we are a happy medium, but a happy medium as compared to what?  There is no such thing as normal any more.  There is no longer a preponderance of families with a mom at home, a dad at work, and 2.5 kids behind the picket fence.  We are no longer all eating meatloaf on Tuesdays, and tuna noodle casserole on Thursdays.

I like to think of myself as a problem solver when it comes to kids, but you have to believe in my style of parenting to be willing to try one of my solutions.  If you are a co-sleeping, attachment parenting nut job, or a tiger mom wackadoo (joking, people!) I still welcome you here, and appreciate your comments.  We are all the new normal, and we are all trying to do what we believe is best for our kids.

Dancing in the rain, because she can!

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