Friday, November 22, 2013

The Sadness Of The World

I don't even know where to begin tonight.  I made the mistake of watching the news and all I want to do now is to wake up my babies and hold them tight.  Since I can't do that without upsetting them, I've decided instead just to make a list of the wonderful things about my girls.

My older daughter is the most caring, empathetic person I have ever met.  She sees so much beauty in the world.  She goes out of her way to compliment strangers.  She gives the most genuine hugs.  She is reasonable and level headed.  She thinks that princesses are special because they are kind.  She seeks out the person in the room who feels awkward, and makes them feel welcome.  She protects her little sister and her dogs no matter what the circumstance.

My younger daughter dances to any music, no matter where she is.  She has a smile that brightens the world.  She pays attention to the smallest detail, and is able to unerringly recreate it.  She loves ferociously.  She doesn't care what anyone else thinks, she forms her own opinions very carefully.  She likes everyone.  She beams when she gets a compliment.  She will someday be the defender of the weak, because she will not standby silently.  She says hello to everyone she sees, and she means it.

I am so thankful that I get to share my heart with these two special little girls.  I tell them every night that I am so lucky to be their mommy, and I truly am.  Children are such a gift, and rather than dwelling on the kind of badness that exists in the world, I will dwell on the light that children bring to the world.