Friday, April 5, 2013

My Mom-ifesto

What I believe.

  • I believe that it is my job to raise my daughters to be productive and happy members of society.
  • I believe that it is important for them to know the value of a dollar, and work hard.
  • I believe that they can wear princess crowns and tutus while learning how to change a tire.
  • I believe that children who are over-indulged are not happy children.
  • I believe that learning how to be told "no" and respond gracefully is an important skill.
  • I believe that even young children need to have chores and responsibility.
  • I believe that good manners are vitally important, even in toddlers.
  • I believe that sticks and pinecones make the best toys.
  • I believe that children thrive when given strict boundaries.
  • I believe that within those strict boundaries, flying can occur.
  • I believe that a blanket fort is the best place to be during a thunderstorm.
  • I believe that being a parent is hard work, and laziness is simply unacceptable.
  • I believe that Friday night should be pizza night.
  • I believe that pots and pans and wooden spoons make great music.
  • I believe that bedtime should never be a struggle.
  • I believe that even toddlers can sit through a meal without being disruptive.
  • I believe that it is my duty to teach my girls by setting them a good example.
  • I believe that it is ok to have to do things you don't like to do, child or adult.
  • I believe that tantrums are a learning experience.
  • I believe that all children should learn how to keep house.
  • I believe that children shouldn't be over-scheduled.
  • I believe that there is always room for improvement as a parent.

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