Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why I'm Not Strictly An Old Fashioned Parent

Most of the self proclaimed Old Fashioned Parenting adherents talk about the fact that they are not their children's friends.  They frequently mention that they don't play with their children, because that is what siblings and friends are for, while parents are for providing food, shelter, and other needs.  I agree that I am not their friend, because I am their mother.  I love them endlessly, and really like everything about them, but I am not their buddy, I am the parent.

But I do not agree with not playing with the kids, not even a slight bit.  In fact, I think playing is one of my most important jobs.  While I encourage them to play independently, or, even better, with each other, about 50% of their play time includes me.  I do this for many reasons.  First, because I actually enjoy playing with my kids, and it is easily the best part of my day.  Second, I play with them because playing is the easiest way to teach.  And third, because if left to play 100% on their own, they would not truly understand how much I enjoy their company.  If our time together was spent only on things like meals and bedtime, how could they possibly know that I like them, not just love them?

Sometimes the play is guided by educational intent; we do shape identification puzzles, we draw letters, we play memory games.  Sometimes we play with trains or make bead necklaces.  My favorite times though, are when we just get silly.  Tonight, while putting cream on the toddler's back, she asked if she could have some cream to put on Daddy's face.  He very obligingly laid down so she could access his face, and she carefully layered on several inches of cream on his right eyeball.  The three of us (well, not him so much) were giggling so hard I almost couldn't get a picture, but fortunately I persevered and got not only a picture, but a video that I will cherish always, for the sound of my daughter's and my laughter blending together.  I can't upload the video, but you can kinda hear the laughter in the picture too!

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